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Deana Jo Jepperson

Our April “Women of Wooll feature is Deana Jo Jepperson. Raised on the back of a horse, Deana is right at home with the sheep. From showing horses in 4-H to High School Rodeo, then livestock judging in FFA to Riding Club. As a kid she always had bummer lambs to raise then eat. It seems there was always a lamb named "Bubba." when she met Jeff 8+ years ago and then married, they became an awesome team. She learned.... and learned quickly about the sheep business. Having a weak stomach all her life she quickly overcame that being in charge of the lambing shed. She had NO choice. Deana and Jeff have worked side-by-side with the range sheep and now have entered into a new program of breeding and raising purebred registered Rambouillet's. She loves to tell folks of her daily adventures with the sheep. She loves the look of shock on their faces when she tells them the things that she does, from lambing in the lambing shed, docking and all that it entails, to running sheep through for sheering. Then to top it all, a good meal that she has cooked for those that have come to help. She loves taking pictures of all their adventures with the herd . She enjoys going to and supporting the FFA and Rocky Mountain jackpot shows. Deana hopes that one day the grandkids will be able to take over the sheep operation and keep it going for generations to come.

How blessed is the Utah Wool Growers Auxillary to have ladies like Deana representing women in Agriculture and the sheep industry!

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