Vickie Osguthorpe
As we all prepare for ✏️ Back to School 📝, let’s “LEARN” a little more about our August “Women of Wool” feature. Vickie Leatham Osguthorpe was born to Lewis & Victoria Leatham of Park City, Utah. She grew up along her 2 older brothers’ in the “then” small mining town where she created many happy childhood memories with friends & family. Vickie’s father passed away of “Black Lung Disease” from working in the coal mines when she was 15 years old. Vickie’s Mother is still alive today at the beautiful age of 97! Vickie met her husband, Steve, in Park City when he would come to work on his father’s ranch. Steve & Vickie were married in 1970, and together raised seven children; 6 boys & 1 girl and they now have 17 grandchildren. Vickie enjoys cooking, holiday parties and being surrounded by her family! She always has an “open door” policy & makes everyone will welcome! Farm life has always been deep rooted in their family. They own Red Pine Land and Livestock. They have a farm & ranch in Park City where they grow alfalfa & oats and a feedlot and crops in Delta where they grow alfalfa, oats, corn and grain. “Vickie said the best present she ever got was a center pivot for the hay field. ” “She would rather have that than a diamond,” Steve said. They run 2,400 mother ewes in the high Uintah Mountains in the summer & Utah’s west desert in the winter. Her children and grandchildren all enjoy working together weather it is shearing & docking sheep or hauling water lines or hay bales. Vickie has always said, “You can’t do it on your own, it takes everyone’s hands to be successful.” “Vickie is the glue that holds the whole operation & family together,” Steve said. “She’s involved in everything we do on the ranch. Vickie always has breakfast, lunch & dinner ready for everyone, hauls lambs/horses/camps, and drives the trucks and changes sprinklers, among many other things. Now that she has retired from her 20+ years working with Park City School District, she enjoys being able to travel alongside her husband to the many sheep industry conferences & conventions. She loves meeting knew people and being able to catch up with old friends. But, do not let Vickie fool you. She might be small and quiet at times, but she can pack a punch and Is defiantly the life of the party! She is knowledgeable, committed and likes to keep up on current events/issues that could not only effect their livelihood by the Agriculture industry as a whole. Even thought it’s hard work, Vickie loves her job & lifestyle. She said, “You know that you’re doing good; clothing and feeding people,” When her sons told her they wanted their kids to grow up the same way they did, she knew she had done something right in this world. But Vickie also knows the challenges that come with modern farming & ranching. Throughout changing economies and constant trials and tests she remains humble and determined to push forward. “It’s not all peaches & cream,” Vickie said. “You just have to keep on fighting and never give up!” Thank you Vickie for your love & commitment to the sheep industry. UWGA is honored to call you one of our own!