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Shelby Rasmusson

“America the Beautiful” - July is the month of STARS and STRIPES! Join us in celebration of our very own “STAR”....

as she tells us her story as our July Womwn of Wool feature.

“I was raised on the sheep ranch just outside of Mt. Pleasant, UT. I guess you could say I was born with sheep in my blood. My earliest memories are of feeding bummer lambs with my mom and sister. I can almost guarantee that I was feeding lambs before I could walk. Growing up on our farm was the best childhood anyone could ask for. There was always some kind of Border Collie or Great Pyrenees puppies to play with, sheep to move or a horse to ride. I always wanted to be outside working, docking lambs, moving sheep, driving tractors or going to tend the camps on the mountain. Some of my favorite places to be are at the ranch in Chalk Creek and on the mountain loading lambs in the fall. People would always ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I knew I wanted to be involved in agriculture. I graduated from North Sanpete High School and from there continued to Snow College. This is where is met my best friend and my husband Wyatt. I'm very blessed that I get to do what I love everyday with him. Some of my passions are horses, sheep, agricultural in general and photography. I want to be part of the sheep industries growth, there is so much to learn and to improve on that the future in the sheep industry is exciting to me. I want to be able to continue and pass on this legacy that is the sheep industry.”

Thank You Shelby. We are lucky to have you as part of the sheep industry!

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